Available any time. Call us for details 888-588-0202

within 90 days if you fail compliance on your new device upon physician order

Available when you wake up!

Well-lit parking lot.

Lab results delivered securely to your doctor.

EZ Sleep Club handles testing, referring & follow up.
What to Expect

Assisted Sleep Test
is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during the study. It may be done at a sleep disorders unit within a hospital or at a sleep center.

Multi Sleep Latency Test
multiple sleep latency or maintenance of wakefulness testing, recording, analysis, and interpretation of physiological measurements of sleep during multiple trials to assess sleepiness

it is a short, daytime sleep study used to acclimate patients with sleep-disordered breathing to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

Daytime Polysomnography Testing
for age 6 years or older, sleep staging with 4 or more additional parameters of sleep.

CPAP Titration
is an overnight sleep study used to properly set continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

6 Minute Oxygen Saturation Walk Testing
a measure of how much oxygen is in your blood.

Compliance Report Generation (DOT Compliance)
get a copy of your finalized interpreted report if you need one. Give us a call and we’ll assist you further with this request.

Split-Night Polysomnography / Titration
a split night, or 50/50 test, is an in-center type of sleep test that begins with diagnostic polysomnography, to monitor your vitals and movements. Once there is enough data to show that you have sleep apnea, you will be placed on CPAP and the test switches to titration to monitor your PAP settings.

Assisted Sleep Test
is a comprehensive test used to diagnose sleep disorders. Polysomnography records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements during the study. It may be done at a sleep disorders unit within a hospital or at a sleep center.

Multi Sleep Latency Test
multiple sleep latency or maintenance of wakefulness testing, recording, analysis, and interpretation of physiological measurements of sleep during multiple trials to assess sleepiness

it is a short, daytime sleep study used to acclimate patients with sleep-disordered breathing to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

Daytime Polysomnography Testing
for age 6 years or older, sleep staging with 4 or more additional parameters of sleep.

CPAP Titration
is an overnight sleep study used to properly set continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy.

6 Minute Oxygen Saturation Walk Testing
a measure of how much oxygen is in your blood.

Compliance Report Generation (DOT Compliance)
get a copy of your finalized interpreted report if you need one. Give us a call and we’ll assist you further with this request.

Split-Night Polysomnography / Titration
a split night, or 50/50 test, is an in-center type of sleep test that begins with diagnostic polysomnography, to monitor your vitals and movements. Once there is enough data to show that you have sleep apnea, you will be placed on CPAP and the test switches to titration to monitor your PAP settings.
An in-lab sleep study provides a board-certified sleep medicine physician with the most complete evaluation of your sleep. You will be required to stay overnight at a the sleep center.
An in-lab sleep study, also known as a polysomnogram, records your brain waves, heartbeats and breathing as you sleep. It also charts your eye movements, limb movements and oxygen in your blood. This data will help your doctor make a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
A board-certified sleep medicine physician may recommend an in-lab sleep study to:
- Test for sleep-related breathing disorders including sleep apnea.
- Evaluate behaviors during sleep due to parasomnias
- Diagnose narcolepsy or hypersomnia along with the MSLT
- Titrate or calibrate the levels of continuous positive airway pressure in patients who receive CPAP therapy for sleep related breathing disorders.
- Determine why treatment for a sleep disorder is not working.
For some patients suspected of obstructive sleep apnea, the sleep physician may recommend a home sleep apnea test instead of an in-lab study. A home sleep apnea test uses different equipment that you can set up yourself.
An in-lab sleep study is the way to ensure that you have the proper diagnosis for a sleep disorder. Speak with your health care provider if you think you might need a sleep study.
An in-lab sleep study involves an overnight stay at the sleep center. These environments are set up to make you as comfortable as possible so you can have a full night’s sleep. Typically, you will not need to report for your sleep study until the early evening.
On the day of your in-lab sleep study, you should:
- Try to follow your regular routine as much as possible.
- Avoid napping
- Eliminate use of caffeine after lunch
- Shower or avoid using hair sprays or gels that can interfere with the sleep recording
If you are on a regular medication, speak with your board-certified sleep medicine physician. Your doctor may recommend for you to temporarily discontinue using the medication.
When it is time to report for your sleep study, bring any items that you need for your nightly routine. Prepare for the sleep study as if you are staying at a hotel for a night. You may want to bring:
- Comfortable pajamas or clothes to sleep in
- A toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss
- Makeup remover
- Reading material
- Clean clothes for the morning
When you arrive, a sleep technologist will ask about your sleep habits. There may be a pre-sleep questionnaire for you to fill out.
You will have some time to make yourself at home. There will not be any other patients in your room. You will have a bathroom available to use, and you may have a television that you can watch.
When you are ready to go to bed, the sleep technologist will attach sensors to your body. The sensors, which are glued or taped to you, monitor your body while you sleep. These sensors are painless. Make sure to tell the technologist if you are allergic or sensitive to any adhesives. The sensors measure your:
- Brain waves
- Chin muscle activity
- Heart rate
- Breathing
- Oxygen levels
- Leg movements
The wires are long enough to let you move around and turn over in bed. At the start of the test, you will be asked to move your eyes, clench your teeth and move your legs. This will make sure that the sensors are working.
You are free to read or watch TV until your normal bedtime. When it is time for you to try to go to sleep, the lights will go off and a low-light video camera will allow the technologist to see you from a nearby room. If a sensor comes loose or you need to go to the bathroom during the night, the technologist will have to help you with the wires.
Many patients do not sleep as well as they would at home. This may be because of the sensors or the unfamiliar environment. This typically does not affect the results. Nearly everyone falls asleep during an in-lab study. In most cases, you do not need a full eight hours of sleep for the doctor to make a diagnosis. Occasionally, you may be prescribed medication to help you sleep during the in-lab sleep study.
In the morning the technologist will test and then remove the sensors. You may be asked to fill out a morning questionnaire that asks about the quality of your sleep and your experience in the sleep center. The in-lab study is complete once you are awake and the sensors have been removed.
Members of the sleep team will review and evaluate the information gathered during the sleep study. It may take several days to two weeks to properly evaluate your sleep study.
A sleep technologist will first score your sleep study by marking your sleep stages and identifying any events of abnormal breathing or leg movement. The board certified sleep physician will then review the results to determine what kind of sleep problem you may have. After the board certified sleep physician makes his diagnosis he or she will contact you to discuss the results.
Testing on Road is Convenient and Easy
We have Home Sleep Tests ready to be picked up or mailed. Right here in the Central Valley!

How Do I Get Started?

Respironics Alice NightOne
Designed for ease, confidence and reliability
Learn how to use your home sleep test
Watch this video to help you better understand your home sleep test device and learn how to set up your Respironics Alice NightOne home sleep testing device on your own. If you need additional assistance, please call us at (888) 588-0202.
Our Rooms
In four of our sleep testing rooms, we have a negative pressure system. Each room has its own independent HVAC system, keeping each patient safe from the other patient’s air. We are the only independent sleep center in California to have this technology. At EZ Sleep Club, we not only ensure the sanitation and cleanliness of our facility, but have also taken the extra step to install climate control in each room.
List of Accepted Insurances
AllCare IPA (All Plans as indicated below) AARP-Medicare Complete
- Aetna
- Alignment
- Anthem Blue Cros
- Blue Shield of California
- Promise Health Plan
- CareMore
- Cigna
- Golden State Medicare Health Plan
- HealthNet
- Humana
- United Healthcare
Sutter Gould Medical Foundation
- United Healthcare West (UHC – West)
- Sutter Select
- Alignment MyChoice PPO
Frequently Asked Questions
What time should I arrive for my diagnostic test?
No earlier than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time
What time can I expect to be finished in the morning?
Depending on the amount of data collected, usually around 5am
Does my insurance cover the cost of the diagnostic test?
In most cases, yes
Why does it take so long to get an appointment?
In some cases, a prior authorization is required from your insurance prior to scheduling which could take a few weeks. In other cases, we may be booked out a few weeks
How should I prepare for my diagnostic test?
Please refer to “Preparing for an In-Lab Study” on our website
Can I bring my own pillow?
We ask that you do not bring your own pillow
Do you speak Spanish?
Yes, please ask the representative for a Spanish Technician when you schedule the appointment
Can I wear/bring my valuables (jewelry/purse/watch)?
We ask that you do not bring anything more than your insurance card/ID Card and the clothes/pajama’s you will be sleeping in.
Can I park my car near your facility?
Yes, we have a well-lit parking lot directly in front of our facility
I work the night shift and sleep during the day, can I take my test during daytime hours?
Yes, we accommodate your schedule. If you work nights and sleep during the day, we’ll make arrangements for performing the diagnostic testing during the day. This usually occurs during the weekend (Sat/Sun)
¿A qué hora debo llegar para mi prueba diagnóstica?
No antes de 15 minutos antes de la hora programada de su cita
¿A qué hora puedo esperar que termine por la mañana?
Dependiendo de la cantidad de datos recopilados, generalmente alrededor de las 5 a.m.
¿Ofrecen viajes hacia / desde sus instalaciones?
No los ofrecemos.
¿Mi seguro cubre el costo de la prueba diagnóstica?
En la mayoría de los casos, sí.
¿Porqué se tarda tanto en conseguir una cita?
En algunos casos, se requiere una autorización previa de su seguro antes de la programación de una cita, lo que podría llevar algunas semanas. En otros casos, es posible que no tengamos citas disponibles por algunas semanas.
¿Cómo debo prepararme para mi prueba diagnóstica?
Favor de consultar "Preparación Para un Estudio en el Laboratorio" en nuestro sitio web
¿Puedo traer mi propia almohada?
Le pedimos que no traiga su propia almohada
¿Se habla español?
Sí, porfavor pregunte al representante por un técnico quien hable español cuando programe la cita
¿Puedo usar/traer mis objetos de valor (joyas/bolso/reloj)?
Le pedimos que no traiga nada más que su tarjeta de seguro / tarjeta de identificación y la ropa / pijama en la que dormirá.
¿Puedo estacionar mi coche cerca de sus instalaciones?
Sí, tenemos un estacionamiento iluminado directamente en frente de nuestras instalaciones.
Patient Testimonials
See what patients say about us
Contact Us
Questions? We’d like to hear from you!
5039 Pentecost Drive Suite D, Modesto CA 95356
+1 888-588-0202
Questions? Call our Agent experts!
+1 888-599-0202
Our Toll Fax Number
We’ve moved!
We are located at 5039 Pentecost Drive, Suite D, Modesto, CA 95356
Make a left into the 5039 Building. We are located in Suite D.
Directions on how to get to our Modesto Office
Video direction 1: https://youtu.be/ILwyGkvxtjY
Video direction 2: https://youtu.be/-IHxRWkL-8c
Video direction 3: https://youtu.be/hQmBEUYEJp4
We’d like to hear from you.

Certified Sleep Technologists

Safe and Secure
Well-lit parking lot.

HIPAA Compliant
Lab results delivered securely to your doctor.

We handle it all for you
EZ Sleep Club handles testing, referring & follow up.

Free Prescreening
Available any time. Call us for details – 888.588.0202

Free Re-Testing
within 90 days if you fail compliance on your new device upon physician order

Coffee and Water
Available when you wake up!